Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I didn't expect the End of Stay Camp to be so sad. Hahaha I really love my region of AFSers. We're just so awesome, kind, talented, *insert other cool adjectives here*, we're too much. And just knowing I have to leave them soon really breaks my heart.

It started off like the 8 Week Stay Camp in October. Most of us met in Treviso, and we took our magical bus to pick everyone up along the way to Trento. It was amazing. Everyone knew Italian so well, but of course many of us still succumbed to our mother languages, too. We just can't resist ok?

There were new faces, the kids of the 6 month programs, and some faces that departed from the 10 month program. It was beautiful to see everyone in the same spot again.

Haha unfortunately for me my weekend turned into survival camp because I didn't bring any hygiene or medicine projects with me. I left some of my belongings at Liv's house and then they somehow ended up at Alyce's house and then she didn't bring them. So I went bum style and mooched off of everyone else and then everything was fine. It was funny though because I would joke with one of the volunteers in the mornings saying, "HUG ME I DIDN'T PUT ON DEODORANT!" and he would just run away. It was hilarious.

Pretty much like this.
The program for this End of Stay camp was just like the other one except more of a "How was you year?" or "How would you sum up your experience?", "Are you different?","What will you do now?", "What do you have to say about Italy before and after your stay?"  etc, stuff like that. To my surprise, answering those questions were really hard! Thinking about what you did in the past 10 months, your ups and downs, in 30 minute sessions where you had to write everything was difficult... because it's not something you usually do. We had to make a curve of our experience --- A line that showed our positive and negatives throughout the year. Seeing our journey on paper is really what puts things into perspective. This experience of AFS has changed our lives and quite frankly I feel so sorry for anyone who doesn't take a year like this.

Yellow Team! <3

It's not a long term vacation. It's a new language, friends, school, town, ----> NEW LIFE basically in which you need to adapt. It's crazy. But we did it.

Ah, but what would this camp be without our games? We had "The Kissing Game" rematch, too. (Check the post about the first camp if you don't know what that is.) There were also new games with our teams like who can form the Pyramids, Eiffel Tower, or the Colosseum first. My team, "This is SPARTA!", lost every time. Except for the funky chicken dance. Because we can dance apparently. :)

Kissing Game Rematch/ Millie vs. Johannes, Millie is so good at this game, seriously she's a ninja! <3 /Goodness I clap like a seal D:
Despite all the fun there were sad activities, too. AFS told us to bring sleeping bags or something similar to camp. I didn't bring one because I knew we were going to the same Youth Hostel which definitely had sheets on their beds. I wasn't porting more baggage but then I a little felt stupid later as to why I didn't. The volunteers had us sit in the gym after our party , like a big sleepover, with the lights turned off, in silence, while sad music you only hear in Titanic played and then they started reading a paragraph of stuff I didn't want to think about.

I'll sum it up basically. "Imagine you are in the airport seeing your host family for the last time. Imagine you are in Rome saying  your goodbyes to all of your AFS friends. Everyone's leaving and going back to their own countries. Imagine you are on the airplane back to your country. You arrive, now it's time to finally say goodbye to your friends from your country. You are going back to a world that you know, a world where many don't know what it's like to be a foreign exchange student, you will adapt again. Will your friends and family understand you? Will they notice some things have changed about you? What looks different to you? How do you see your country now? How are you different? How is school? How is your family? How is everything now? Now imagine months or years later you return to Italy..." and I don't remember much after that because I suddenly heard Alessa crying in the darkness and Alyce wanting to get up and hug her, but she couldn't... it was beyond depressing. I started crying because we realized how close we've come to the finish...

After that activity the volunteers said we could slowly head back to our rooms because they knew we would want to talk and hug after what happened... even they cried! I guess even they remembered some of their AFS adventures and I can tell I'll be just like them in the future. This is not something that will be forgotten ever in my entire life.

The fantastic volunteers minus Tobia (Yellow Team picture last person to the right- Green shirt.)

The next day we had our surprise AFS Talent Show no one prepared for a usual, but in the end we came up with something makeshift. It was cute but I still liked the other Talent Show better. It was much more spontaneous. :)

This time I sung my trademark Little Mermaid "Part of Your World" in half Italian and in English. And then I found a monologue in English on the internet, translated it into Italian, then performed it. All that learned in 2 days... LIKE A BOSS. The surprising thing is there was absolute silence when I sung! Usually we're all talking at once because we're so happy and the volunteers can't shut us up, but for the first time at camp everyone was like this:

I even received a standing ovation! They said I was so awesome and gave them shivers XD Even my tutor from AFS, who was a volunteer at this camp, teared up a bit. I surprised myself, too, I had almost lost my voice the previous hours!

Woot! Standing ovation --- ugh those slippers.

Oh no, but after that there was another activity that was more depressing than the one we did the previous night. After another after dinner party the volunteers had us sit in a circle, in the dark, in silence, except this time with no music.There were unlit candles in the middle of our circle and even through the dark I could tell they spelled out the letters AFS. They said when we were ready, one at a time, we could walk into the middle of the dark circle and say something to everyone, a thank you, a confession, something you just wanted to say about your year, then light a candle. Not everyone went up but there were a lot who did... and one by one with each heartfelt tearful message and thank you we illuminated the letters AFS until most of us were bawling our eyes out. Before my crying was just a sniffle in the other activity, but that night I was a wreck. We all were. Good thing we had friends all around to help.

When we finished lighting the candles it was about 3 in the morning  and the volunteers finally gave us a break. They said we could go back the Youth Hostel and sleep in whatever room we wanted to. (Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, booyah?) Last night. We all camped out in one of the special rooms that could hold only 5 sleeping spaces but we managed to fit in 20-25. We sat there for most of the night just  watching a comedian on a laptop someone brought with them. Then we went back to our rooms and slept for 3 hours because we had more activities to do the next day.

Despite being zombies we were still energetic to say goodbye to everyone. We got our pictures and watched a spectacular video one of the volunteers prepared for us. Apparently they hoarded pictures and videos from the last camp (pssh 7 months ago) and randomly took pictures from this camp and put it into to one video. It was amazing to see how much we've all changed!

Monserrat - Mexico

All of Treviso. (Not Isabel (striped dress) and Forrest (with my American Flag) , and minus the boys and me.)

Nick from Germany and Anne from Honduras! Sexy salsa. <3

Sigurros from Iceland plays violin! ^o^

The oddest energizer ever. "Frow frow frow" any other AFSers know this? ;)

Basically all the kids from Asia. They're always so cute! China, Thailand and Japan dancing together. <3

Tangui from France playing his guitar. <3

All of us of the Region Veneto! <3

Um... some of the boys performing I'm sexy and I know it in the hottest clothes EVAR.

Monserrat and Zakiyya!

These camps were some of my favorite parts of my stay. <3


My report card arrived last week.... aaaaaand I PASSED ITALIAN SCHOOL WITH SUFFICIENT MARKS. Yupp. That sums up my year. I'm good to go. All we have to do is see what my school in the US has to say about this. :)


My host sister Sara came back from Costa Rica yesterday after 11 months! She's so kind! :) And just as tall as me... O_O I expected her to be taller. Anyways I have little time to get to know her but I'm so excited!


I finally packed up all my things. 18 days left.  It was supposed to be a test package but not that everything is a way, I'm too much of a bum to unpack, I'm going to be living out of my suitcases for the next couple of weeks.

Chaos in my once clean room!

Everything is finally coming to a close, eh?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The AFS Calendar is Closing...

Ha you can call me a bad blog keeper now. xD

I've been so busy, I never thought at that beginning of the year it would be actually hard to fit in time for a blog. It looked like a cinch!

I recently had my last show for Skating and it was a big show I didn't expect. We had guest hip-hop dancers, colorful theater lights, loud music, the whole shebang. It was awesome. I received a cool scarf, a DVD of something, and an alarm clock from my organization :)

The only thing I was mad about was the glitter they put on my face.

It was beautiful when it contrasted with my dark skin in the lights but the problem was after the show. Someone invented it so it wouldn't come off. It is literally the herpes of arts and crafts! (My Life as Liz, ha, high-five.) I woke up in the morning looking like I went to a party at Ke$ha's house. Yes, my dears, it was that bad. It took at least 3 washes to get most of it off, and I still have a bit on me! Next person that comes to me with glitter is going down.


I went to a nearby wonder park called Gardaland with Intercultura yesterday. Originally it was only for the 12 students of Treviso but we invited some of the students that are here for only 6 months. It was fun and I made even more friends. XD

Costa Rica, Japan, and USA!

We were scared it would rain all day, but it on happened in the morning, and it was cold. But in the end it was a beautiful day. Intercultura raided Gardaland along with affiliates and friends. XD


I wasn't too sad parting with everyone after Gardaland because tomorrow is the final camp! We get to see each other for 4 days. It's going to be beautiful and sad at the same time. I'm so happy! It's going to be like the camp in October... except at the end of the year. They said we have another Talent Show but this time, I prepared nothing. Woops! I'll find something last minute to do...

We'll see who left early, who's only been here for 6 months ... ha I don't really want to say goodbye to anyone. :'( I want to go home to the US but at the same time, I would like to stay in Italy and continue my adventures. I think I might actually have some reverse culture shock when I go back, too.

Also I just want to remember Italian. I'm going to try and read or write every now and then so I can hold on to it.

I haven't even started test packing my stuff. That's the only thing I'm not looking forward to. Packing. It's just so troublesome and annoying for me. I know it may not seem like I need to start packing all my stuff now, but I want to have an idea of what the heck I'm going to do. I'm too organized!

Besides my sister,Sara, is coming back from Costa Rica on June 19th so I think I might have to move out of my luxurious studio apartment room and go upstairs for just a bit. Sara's sister from Costa Rica is also moving in with us for a week. She's in Portugal for a year and is taking a vacation with us. This house is going to be interesting. I can only hope they're very nice!

I hope my little sister will be happier, too. Marta had usual cry fits saying how she missed Sara so I think she'll be more than ecstatic to see here again.


Last day of school was so sad. I took a lot of pictures with people and surprisingly I didn't cry. It was sad but I actually didn't cry! O_O I think it was  a combination of  the abomination, that is Italian school, being finished and being happy to see many of my classmates for the last time. The weird part is very few people didn't even know I was from the United States until the saw me taking photos with everyone and my flag. Wow. XD

I had everyone sign my t-shirt! Practically half the school, I had to stop after a while because it was too full.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, ...smell no evil?

I'm really going to miss my class. They did their best to make sure I felt at home with them and I'll never forget that. They could've just abandoned me but they stayed and helped a girl with poor childish Italian grow into a person who could actually speak with others properly. :)

I finally found my favorite Italian song! It's so beautiful! <3 La Notte - By Arisa! <3


Mary Beth, an AFS who went to Spain for a year is in Europe again! I wanted to meet her in Venice but I'm too busy. ---> follow her blog, see her adventures, and how she's actually learning a lot of Italian cause it's similar to Spanish!


Every year Treviso has the students create a yearbook and I drew some images for it! I can't wait to see it, I'll post a picture when the Yearbook comes in.

I gave everyone a title from one of my favorite stories, of Alice and Wonderland, and I drew a dedication to them. I think one of the volunteers put it as the cover!

Alyce - New Zealand - Alice/ Alessa - Dominican Republic - Cheshire Cate / Johannes - Finland - White Rabbit / Millie - USA - Tweedle Dee and Dum / Palm - Thailand - Dormouse / Zakiyya - USA - Mad Hatter / Pipa - Portugal - Red Queen / Vuk - Serbia - Caterpillar / Rosita - Argentina - White Queen / Facundo - Paraguay - White Knight / Liv - Germany - Knave / Joanna - Portugal - Ace of Hearts / Claire - Canada - March Hare / <3
I've been making water color paintings left and right as gifts for people as goodbye gifts. They're so fun and easy to make! I translate some inspirational quotes onto these images in Italian and every seems to enjoy them. :)


They're have been a few earthquakes here in Italy lately.  I haven't felt any of them even though they've been close, such as by Bologna or North Italy in general. My body is dumb enough to sleep through them but it will wake up at the first signs of hard rain. That doesn't even make any sense!

Here's a picture of the after math taken by an AFS student from Conversano, Italy. (Southern Italy)

It's sad to hear of deaths and ancient architecture being destroyed. But Italy is doing all they can to deal with the situation!

I need to make a list of things I learned  this year. Haha it sure is a lot.