Watched Glee Season 3 episode 1 today. The show has changed SO MUCH, but I'm still oddly enough in love with it. :)
My favorite scene, Blaine Anderson's audition to New Directions. (The sync is a bit off, but it's still good.)
Ofcourse there is drama this season BUT
Kurt and Blaine are just so perfect and hilarious. <3
Forget everybody else.
Anyways, I'll stop spamming about Glee, let's move on.
I've noticed there are a great amount of old people out and about, active in Treviso. I'm so used to old people in the States being in nursing homes and not much in public (or they have walkers and move very slowly). Old people in Treviso ride the bus, walk all around town, and ride bikes, even if they have walkers or move as slow as turtles.
I'm not use to that. Maybe it's because Italy is a much more healthier place than the US, so older people have more energy...?
Italy doesn't have squirrels. I haven't seen these furry little creatures around and asked to confirm my suspicion. I wonder how tree seeds are spread around then...
I always learn lessons the hard way. Today, I finally figured out vending machines don't give out change. In America I was so used to just getting my extra coins back I would stare at the machine and wait for the money to come out. I do that here and everyone thinks I'm having a staring contest with the vending machine.
Before a teacher walks into the classroom, you have to stand up for them, like you would in a courtroom for a judge. Then the teacher tells you to sit down and the lesson begins. Haha it feels like musical chairs sometimes, just without all the music and moving...
I've been observing, and I've also noticed, Italians talk really loud (and fast!!). Especially on the phone. If you're 20 feet away from a person, you can still hear their conversation.
When I pick up my cellphone for my mom, I always have to hold it about 5 inches away from my ear cause it hurts. And people raise their voices at me if I don't understand something. As if yelling will get your point across even better....
Sometimes my brother speaks Italian so fast, he has to take a breath in the middle of his sentence, and I'm like: "Calm down, we're not going anywhere." O_O
And life moves one. Ciao!~ *wave*
I am working on sending you a care package. Send me an email with the address. Also it looks like it is expensive to send your coat there so you might just have to buy one there. Glad you are having fun and enjoyin life.