Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ye Ole' Tour of me Castle!

Prepare for the oddest tour ever! Yeaah I had no clue what I was doing really.

I found this video in my computer. It's beyond old, taken the first week I arrived in Italy. I was going to put it online but I didn't feel like it. It's a tour of my house! I was so befuddled with everything and going back to watch this is funny. xD


Also, RIP to my iPod. It broke! Now I can't listen to music while traveling around anymore. Yaaaaay. :'(


  1. It says "this video is private" when I try to play it. :(

    1. Okay, it should be fixed now! :) Try again.

  2. ahahahaha i LOVE this!!! i was laughing so loud at your comments ahaha i dont even remember everything but the tour of the first bathroom just CRACKED ME UP!!!...hahaha the see through door... xD bahahaha there are so many "weird" things that were so true for me too ahaha..and the door handles...lolllll...ooh, do you guys wear shoes in the house? i for some reason was thinking you guys did. and the trash system!!! i burst into laughter when i saw how tiny the cars by the sink are!! hahaha...but woww overall your house seems awesome!! it's like so modern and clean and "big" for europe :D :D ...keep writing! i check to see if you have written anything about 3 times a week and it feels like forever even if it's only been a week! ;D awesome awesome stories- you are so funny! nothing ever gets old :D
